Math, asked by bhoomi2714, 4 months ago

A shopkeeper sold two pairs of jeans for * 720 each, gaining 20% on one and losing 20% on the other
Find his gain or loss%​


Answered by Debom


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Answered by naushad22ahmad

CP of Jeans 1 = 720

Profit % = 20 %

20% Means that if CP is 100

Then profit is 100

& SP = 100 + 20 = 120

Therefore , CP = 100/120 * 720 = 600

CP of Jeans 2 = 720

Loss% = 20

SP = 100 -20 = 80

Profit % = 20 %

Profit % = 20 % 20% Means that if CP is 100

Profit % = 20 % 20% Means that if CP is 100 Then profit is 100

Profit % = 20 % 20% Means that if CP is 100 Then profit is 100 & SP = 100 + 20 = 120

Profit % = 20 % 20% Means that if CP is 100 Then profit is 100 & SP = 100 + 20 = 120Therefore , CP = 100/120 * 720 = 600

short form.


CP of Jeans 2 = 720

CP of Jeans 2 = 720Loss% = 20

CP of Jeans 2 = 720Loss% = 20SP = 100 -20 = 80

CP of Jeans 2 = 720Loss% = 20SP = 100 -20 = 80CP = 100/80 * 720 = 900

CP of Jeans 2 = 720Loss% = 20SP = 100 -20 = 80CP = 100/80 * 720 = 900TOTAL CP = 600 + 900 = 1500

CP = 100/80 * 720 = 900

TOTAL CP = 600 + 900 = 1500

TOTAL SP = 720 + 720 = 1440

1500 > 1440


Therefore Loss

Loss% = loss/CP * 100

= 60/1500 * 100 = 4% {answer}


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