A short note on “ A vision of the future of science”
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This chapter presents a vision of a desired future of science. In this vision, the future will bring the reintegration of the study of humans and the rest of nature. The barriers between the traditional disciplines will dissolve and a true “consilience” of all the sciences and humanities will occur. This consilient transdisciplinary science will emerge from a rebalancing of analysis and synthesis, a recognition of the central role of envisioning in science, a pragmatic philosophy built on complex systems theory and modeling, a multiscale approach, and a consistent theory of cultural and biological co-evolution. It will allow us to build a world that is both sustainable and desirable and that recognizes our fundamental partnership with the rest of nature. It is a world that we must first imagine in order to achieve.
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A vision of the future of science
In the future, the discoveries and the creations of science will keep surprising us and its invention of new methods also surprise us. Technology is the biggest invention and it will be improving day by day. It will invent new tools, new structures and also new discoveries.
It will keep making contributions towards health, medicine, lifestyle, education, invention and etc. Science is developing all these for our goodwill. It is difficult to imagine our life without science because scientific advancement is responsible for what our society is today.