a short note on santosa yoga class 11
Do you ever feel as though you’re undermining your happiness? Or that acceptance and contentment are as elusive as holding on to sand? If so, you’re not alone. While santosha, the niyama of contentment on Patanjali’s eightfold path, may sound blissful, it isn’t easy—particularly if you’re continuously running negative stories through your mind. But your yoga practice can help break the cycle. Here’s how.
Santosha can be a difficult concept to wrap your head around, particularly if your personal story is filled with negative thoughts.
The Sanskrit word santosha is divided into two parts: sam, meaning completely or entirely, and tosha, meaning acceptance, satisfaction, and contentment. Together they create a word that means complete acceptance or contentment. Santosha can be a difficult concept to wrap your head around, particularly if your personal story is filled with negative thoughts like “I’m not good enough," “I’m too this, or not enough that…”
It’s hard to see the goodness in yourself and others, let alone feel even fleeting moments of contentment, when you’re expending a lot of mental energy knocking yourself down. Perhaps it’s time to change your story.
Meaning of Yoga
• Yoga is word derived form a Sanskrit word "Yuj' meaning to join or union. Yoga is defined as joining the individual self with the divine or universal spirit.
Yoga as on Indian Heritage: History of yoga is as old as the history of Indian culture. Although, there is no written proof in this regard. Yoga is known as the heritage of India only should go through the related periods of history.
Yoga class 11 Notes Physical Education
Elements of yoga: Around 147 BC, Patanjali developed a system of yoga that contains Eight steps also known as ‘Astanga Yoga.
- Yoga class 11 Notes Physical Education
Introduction to Asanas, Pranayama, Mediation and yogic Kriyas :
Asanas: Asana is ‘to be seated in a position that is firm and relaxed’ for extended periods.
Pranayama: Pranayam means extension of the breath of extension of the life force. ‘Prana’ means life force and ‘Ayama’ means control. There are three parts of Pranayama:
1. Purka – Means inhalation
2. Rechaka – Means exhalation
3. Kumbhaka – Means retaining the breath
Types of Pranayam: Suryabhedi, Ujjayi, Sheetkari, Sheetle, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Plavini, Moorchha etc.
Meditation: Meditation: means concentration of mind, resulting in Samadhi.
Yogic Kriya: Yogic Kriya are cleansing techniques that cleanses various internal as well as external organs of the body. There are six yogic kriyas also known as ‘Khsatkarm Kriyas’.
1. Neti
2 .Dhayti Kriya
3. Basti Kriya
4.Kapalabhati Kriya
5.Trataka Kriya
6.Nauli Kriya