a short note on UN system
»» UN system is the system of United Nations that governs every organization of United Nation.
»» consists of United Nations and six major or we can say principal organs of the United Nations.
=> The General Assembly
=> Security Council
=> Economic and Social Council
=> Trusteeship Council
=> International Court of Justice
=> UN Secretariat
»» UN works to help other nations for increasing their literacy rates. They also helps other nations for food, money and shelter. The main motive of this UN System is.
»» The UN obey the , which is binding on any organization that belongs to the UN system.
>> The UNO was formed on October 24,1945. This was formed on the basis of charter drafted by allied powers after the second world War to maintain peace.
>> The main emphasis of this was to preserve peace, prevent wars, ensuring human rights, democracy,eradication of poverty and hunger.
>> During the establishment of UNO there were only 51 members but now there are 193 countries in UNO.
>> UN works through six organs. Each oragan has its own poerfolio. Like maintaining peace, improving education, health, justice etc.
>> The bodies are International Court of Justice, World Health Organization, United Nation Educational,scientific and Cultural organisation, United Nations Children's Fund, Secretary general.
>> In UN there are five nation which have special status. These Nations are called as Veto powers.
>> Those are France, UK, USA, China and Russia.