India is known for diversity in the region, diversity in languages, diversity in food, diversity in clothing, diversity in the festival, diversity in states, diversity in everything that represents the world. country and its people. India is a country of the republic that is for the people, by the people and by the people. People run their county, people choose their own leader, and people are independent of everything. India is a country where people are changed according to their location. Each state has its incredible beauty of heritage as well as the nation. Each state has its own history of religion.
My country is a land of villages and fields full of bodies. I am proud of his village from which the Indian civilization flourished. Most of the great leaders of our country came from villages. Our fields are fed by mighty rivers like Ganges, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Godavari, Narmada, Krishna and Kavery . The Gangetic Valley is the most fertile region of our country.
Our state is secular. On his knees breathe the happy disciples of the different religions of the world. We have a unique culture that has vested throughout the centuries. There is a lot of diversity among our people. We speak several languages, we worship many gods and yet we have the same spirit, the spirit of India, which crosses all parts of our country and binds us all together. We have a great unity in diversity.
India is rich in dialects and languages. Twenty-two languages constitutionally enjoy official language status, but Hindi is recognized as the lingua franca of the nation. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Nagaland to Mumbai, Hindi is understood as the national language of India. Although different regions have different regional affiliations, they are all Indian. People are called Bihari , Punjabi, Kashmiri, Marathi, Gujarati, but they are proud to say that they are Indians.
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- India is a great country with huge population.
- In India there are many religions and castes.
- India is a nation with unity in diverse.
- I'm proud to be Indian