English, asked by ShreyashGenius, 5 months ago

a short speech on unity in diversity.​


Answered by Deep4277


people of different customs n culture live her. everyone have different festivals,rules,n different lifestyle. Religious thinking is different among everyone,despite of this they live alltogether. The diversity in every aspect of society serves as a source of strength n wealth.

Answered by ItzSiddhi3009


India have different cultures, different languages,different religions.it is place of diversity.people of different customs n culture live her.everyone have different festivals,rules,n different lifestyle. Religious thinking is different among everyone,despite of this they live alltogether. The diversity in every aspect of society serves as a source of strength n wealth.even we pledge that we indians r brothers n sisters.we dont take religion in between .we work together in group not bothering about our religion,race etc.we Indians r proud to have rich cultural heritage.our traditions in music,dance, arts,sculpture still followed. This shows the love n respect towards our tradition's.there r different languages in different countries eating habits,dressing style is different in every state of india.



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