English, asked by harleen4943, 11 months ago

A short story on - I opened the door to go out of the house,but found a frightening cobra​


Answered by umeshabiballenahally


Tasting death so close"

Here's the answer!

I opened the front door, to go out of the house, but to my horror-I found a cobra. RIGHT. IN. FRONT. OF. MY. DOORSTEP.

I shrieked, retracing my steps back to the house, and closed the door.

Breathing heavily, I saw that this nightmare was not over.

The cobra had slithered in! It had its hood up, menancingly,ready to strike at any moment.

My eyes bulged and couldn't think about any plan of action. It was the DO-DIE time,but i seemed to forget about that.

I stood,against the wall,watching the snake up and down. The snake, unwavering its eyes,looked at me with pure glint of defence.

It was there,watching my every move,ready to attack if there was some movement.

My heart thudded so loudly against my chest, that i could've sweared the snake perked up even more.

I rolled my eyes towards what what i carrying.

It was a racket,and i was meaning to play "Badminton" with my pal.

Slowing,i moved my racket towards it. The snake suddenly coiled itself against the shiny metal,making a shiver go down my spine.

I walked,slowly,yet steadily,towards my front door. I noticed a dry gutter,across the street. I trudged towards it,and held the racket above the gutter. The snake,recolied,maybe it smelt something delicious down there.

I heaved a sigh of relief,and made my way for the rendez-vous with my friend. It was an incident i would never forget. Tasting Death so close.


hope it's helpful please mark as brainliest answer and thank my answers

Answered by 5372stkabirdio


i was walking alone on a lonely road suddenly i start feeling like someone is following me . It was weird because i see nothing as i turned around. But after sometimes i realized that there was really 2 people following me . They must have been hiding before . i thought they must be thief and want to steal my money. I started walking quickly, my thoughts was right as the people following me also start walking quick. This was really strange i starting feeling fear So start running , the people did the same. My home was not that much far now so i went in hurry. On exact my home street they got and demand all the money to gave them . One of them was carrying a gun . This make full of fear . I gave them my purse at that time some people was coming to my street house also while talking to each . Both of thief look at each other and start running thus escaped. They got my purse but fortunately there was not too much money in purse at that . I quickly goes to my home and Thanks to God as atleast my life was save.


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