English, asked by jazzjoy5426, 10 months ago

A short story on "Many hands make light work".


Answered by amritasharma1006

Answer:Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper.  

When any insect dies the ants comes over and pick them up for food. A grasshopper is a very large insect and one ant cannot pull it. But being a social insect the ant signals to other ants from its group and they join him in pulling the grasshopper to the anthill where they feast upon the dead grasshopper. The ants work united to search and gather food and defend their anthill from their predators. Such a social structure is also present in wasps and bees.  

One of the best cultural values of the African people is unity. The Haya Ethnic Group was a well organized big extended family. They were very close in everyday life. For example, when the men were hunting together, collecting firewood in forest together and even when visiting friends from one village to the next they usually were in twos or threes. Women also were together when fetching water from a river, collecting grass, cultivating in the fields and celebrating feasts like weddings. They believed in the fact that collective strength is always powerful however little it may be and that when two or more people decide upon something they cannot be mistaken or go astray. The proverb MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK also indicates the importance of working collectivel

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