a short story on my success
Dear Friend,
It is with great pleasure of having you here at this hour. Let me get it straight and be honest with you at the very outset. First of all, I'm not going to sell you anything here. And second of all, if you are hoping that you could learn some tricks to earn Quick & easy Money, you are definitely in a wrong place.
What I'm offering you are some personal story and lesson which I hope you will find it useful and beneficial to your well-being - be it financially or spiritually. Below is an article which I wrote to an online magazine, some time ago. The response was phenomenal and overwhelming. I hope you will enjoy reading it.
The Power of Dream
Have you ever dreamed of being financially free seomeday ? Yes, let me repeat, FINANCIAL FREEDOM. I bet some of you do. However, I believe only a handful of you would actually commit yourselves into making your dream comes true. Instead of committing to pursue your dream, you would just sit back and do nothing about it. Am I right to say that most of you have no confidence of yourself , let alone your dream?
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Well, some people will doubt it and think that being financially free seems to be an impossible dream to attain. - Never ever doubt about yourself !- To have financial freedom is not impossible and is within your reach if you possess the fundamental understanding of how wealth is created and accumulated.
By the same token, the depth of your financial knowledge and planning will determine your financial future whether you will retire broke, debt-ridden or leave a huge amount of wealth for your dependence. The choice is yours because you are the navigator of your own destiny.
As Burke Hedges the author of the book The Parable of the Pipeline eloquently writes , " becoming a millionaire is a matter of choice, not chance ."
How to Be Financially Free
Most of you must have heard of people saying; you either be a professional or run your own business to earn BIG INCOME, right? It is true to a certain extent, however, a profession per se does not guarantee you a better financial future. Why? Because no matter how much you earn as an engineer, a manager, an accountant, an architect, etc. you will still depend on a paycheck or a fee for a living. Think about it, the moment when you stop working, your income will stop flowing in and the next thing you know, your bank-savings is drying up.
Thus, being a professional with a big income is never going to make you financially comfortable. You will never make your family safe and secure. Burke Hedges calls this group of people a "bucket carrier". He writes, "as long as you carry buckets, you have to show up and do the work in order to get paid."
Does it sound familiar to you? This is how the rat-race world works. Instead of working for the money as Robert T. Kiyosaki, the author of the best selling book Rich Dad and Poor Dad pointed out, "we should make the money work for us." What a brilliant saying!
So how do we get out of this rat-race world? The answer is we need to start thinking on how to make the money work for us. Have you heard of the concept of leverage? It is a concept that is widely applied in all fields of work including the financial world. So what is it all about?
What is leveraging?
Leverage is a phenomenal concept that has been known to people throughout the ages. The root of the word leverage, lever is originated from an old French word that means, "to make lighter." Say, if we want to move an object, which is many times heavier than us, what do we do? That's right. We place a rigid bar on a pivot to lever it and the object becomes so light that even a child can lift it easily.
"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world." - Archimedes
Plz mark as brainliest ❤️
One day, a young guy was on an elevator. The elevator stopped at another floor, and another person then got on.
That other person… was Richard Branson.
But the young guy didn’t recognize him.
Branson said, “Hello.” The young guy replied, “I’m sorry, but I think I’m in the wrong elevator. Also, pleasure to meet you.” Branson then looked right in the guy’s eyes and said, “No… you are exactly where you need to be. My name is Richard Branson.”
And then the elevator let the two off… at the top floor.
Who’s the young guy in this story? Here’s the thing: it’s not even a guy at all. In fact, he is the abstract concept… of YOUR POTENTIAL.
Just something to think about.
hope it helps u dear...