A SHORT STORY ON PHRASE to build castles in air
Building castles in the air means entertaining daydreams that will never come to pass. Building castles in the air usually involves grandiose plans that are nearly impossible for the dreamer to achieve. Such plans are considered flights of fancy, charming and idealized versions of an imaginary life that the dreamer lives. Many practical people believe that building castles in the air is a waste of time, though not everyone feels that way. Henry David Thoreau said: ” If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. ” However, if an idea that one has conceived is brought to fruition, it is no longer a case of building castles in the air. Henry David Thoreau was an essayist and poet, a literary philosopher who famously retreated to life in the woods in order to find inspiration in the natural world. Thoreau built a cabin on Walden Pond and concentrated on his dreams and writings. He was a transcendentalist, believing that God is present in nature and in humanity. Today, one may still visit Walden Woods and the area where Thoreau lived and wrote.