Hindi, asked by ranveergupta, 11 months ago

A single fish pollutes the whole pond. i need a short story on this


Answered by Harpreet0059


it is a two way thing. one bad person can spoil the whole society and similarly one good person can fix ppl around them.

but road for the good person is hard. it is hard for one good fish to stay alive for long in a dirty pond.

may be hard, but it is not impossible. The mettle of a good fish is tested if he fights the bad to stay alive for the better of the other fishes which come along.

But as I type this, another thought crosses my mind... If the pond is dirty because of the bad fishes, and they are the majority, dont they too need a pond to live in?? I mean merely because they are bad, do they need to die? If not, dont they need a pond to live in? If so, why not allow all the bad fishes to make thier pond and live in it and make a beautiful pond for the good fishes??

It depends upon thinking...

Firstly, To identify the bad fish one self should have good nature...coz people mostly judge too fast and wrong.

A bad fish may not spoil the complete pond but will leave some marks on some..

And a good fish in a pond full of bad fishes...LOLLOLLOL

that bad wish be influnced upto some extend depends how that bad fish takes..them

oh yes of course nothing is impossible or unapproachable. just need to work harder.

as for dirty pond. well here comes the adaptation. we get used to things. when I came to Canada, I used to freeze to death in winter. and used to wear layers and layers of clothings while going out. now that I have lived here, winters are very normal for me. and one coat is enough.

u learn to survive in that dirty pond after a while. and after a while those bad fish will only survive in that dirty pond. u put them in clean water, they will die.

Well, thats the struggle, and thats what I would like to find out...

Part in bold --- too judgemental, imo.

and who is going to judge if u have "good" nature or a bad one?? and who will judge that judge that this person have a perfectly pleasant nature?

Dont we believe that bad and good can co-exist... they why cant the fishes? That takes us back to the issue - how do u segregate the good fishes from the bad? Can we say that all the stinking fishes are bad? What if there are some fishes which arent bad, but the water around them makes them stinky and clean water can actually cleanse them of the stink...

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