English, asked by sumitagarwal, 1 year ago

a slogan of 15 words about extolling india's feat


Answered by anuradha1jain
Nothing is impossible,if we are determined.
Make your country be proud of you.
India,first country to reach Mars in first try.
Make our country's name live long.
May the MOM mission be extraordinarily successful.
Mars Orbiter can do it.
Women are also a source of power, never underestimate them.
Men will be men,women are the power.
Women will make India Powerful.
India on Mars rules, other countries fools.
Answered by kvnmurty
East or West, Indian MOM proves the Best, not only On Earth but also on Mars.

Knew Mars for a long time, Observed for some time, Built MOM in short time, Completed MOM in shorter time......  Is there any thing more to SAY ?

Space or Software, our MOM shows No One Can Compete With India !!

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