Social Sciences, asked by riddhiruparelia08, 1 year ago

A slogan on the Social Evils in India


Answered by anubha148

Social evils in India?

The caste system, which has been technically outlawed but is still very much alive and in practice today.

What social evils are presently faced in India?

India's social sins are :- Dowry, poverty, gender inequality, drugs, human inequality, child labour, prostitution, n many more........ every individual needs to take steps in order to make India a better place to live.. come on... lets help to make a clean and green country, free from sins..

Is media the cause of all social evils?

It is the cause of a lot of them, but not all, as the love of money is still worse!

For and against of media cause of all social evils?

Media is just a tool that can go either way. Right now i would say that more evil people are using media than good. it didnt use to be like that, go back in time 40 years and look at media then.

Creative slogan for Corporate social responsibility?

This is not very original but: SOAR! acronym for Set Objectives, Achieve Results! planning-oriented without being nagging or pushy. I like it, very up-lifting (pun intended). I believe it was used by Junior Achievement or a similar group.

What is a social evil?

The definition of a social evil depends on who, when or where it is defined. The answer to this question can literally fill a book. At first glance it's clear that the word evil must be defined. After that it must be determined if it meets the criteria of social. To validate the last few sentences a… (MORE)

What social evils did Charles Dickens campaign against?

The exploitation and manipulation of children. The cynical view of the suposed christian society and thei inabilityor unewillingness to forgive single mothers who had children out of wedlock.He also ranted against the brutality childen were submitted to.In Oliver Twist he exposes th blaring anti … (MORE)

What are the types of social evils?

Social evil: . 1. Morally bad or wrong; wicked: . . 2. Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful: . . 3. Characterized by or indicating future misfortune; ominous: . . 4. Bad or blameworthy by report; infamous: . . 5. Characterized by anger or spite; malicious: . . 6. (of a person) del… (MORE)

What are the Social evils in Pakistan?

terrorism,corruption,nepotism, dishonesty,street crimes, bad ethics and also immoral individual values like evils are the social evils in Pakistan

What is the meaning of social evils?

In our country many peoples are practicing the evil activities.Now a days these activities are commonly practiced by many peoples.Such activities are known as social evils.

What is a social evil essay?

It is your homework and we will not do that for you. A social evil is an action that is not in the public good. Slavery would be an example as is prostitution. Both are examples of an action that is not in the public interest.

Social evils in present India?

well i guess the present social evil is caste system....everyonethinks that the government has passed a rule to abolish castesystem but it is still present in our society today.....and thoughpoverty is not a social evil it is still a major problem for India.

Social evil in Pakistan?

There are several social evils that occur in Pakistan. Poverty,terrorism, street crimes, dishonesty, child marriages, and childlabor are some examples.

Define social evils?

Social evils are those behaviors and circumstances that detractfrom the public. Drunk driving is a good example of a social evilthat has a very negative impact.

Slogan on social evils?

Some well known slogans on evil deeds: . "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice todevice." WalterScott . "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." from the song "Keep your eye onthe sparrow" (theme song of the "Baretta" TV series) . "As you sow, so shall you reap." the … (MORE)

Why is socialism and communisim Evil and why should Americans destroy them?

Why would Americans want to destroy freedom.... We are, all of us, entitled to our political views. Evil is, let me assure you, nothing to do with people living together while aiming for a common goal.

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