A small paragraph on my grandmother's cupboard
My grandmother’s cupboard, kept in the room where she had her temple, was forbidden territory. She had strict rules that everyone, including me, her only granddaughter, was strictly prohibited from touching it. It was a simple, wooden cupboard, low to suit my grandmother’s height. It had one mirror which she seldom used. During my childhood, she used to scare me by saying that wild animals were stuffed in there. When I grew older, I concluded that the cupboard was rather small to accommodate such species, increasing my curiosity for its contents. When I asked her about it, she made excuses and did not open the cupboard. Sometimes, I wondered if there was anything really interesting in the cupboard or was it just curiosity that kept me on tenterhooks. I even tried to appease my grandmother by promising to attend a religious gathering with her, but to no avail. Finally, I got the opportunity to see the majestic inner world of the forbidden cupboard when my grandmother had gone to my aunt’s place for a few days I entered the room hesitatingly. For a moment, I was wary of touching it but realised I wouldn’t get such an opportunity again. So, I opened the little lock with the keys kept under her pillow and opened the door slowly. I couldn’t believe what I saw. It had nothing of the sort I imagined. Neither jewellery, nor money, nor saris or any documents. On the top shelf, were some small baby clothes. When I looked at them carefully I realised they had been mine as my name was embroidered on them. On the second shelf were the incomplete pieces of my kitchen-play set and doll’s house. I had discarded them long ago, which she had preserved so carefully I had not even noticed their absence. On the third shelf were the tiffin, bottle and books of my kindergarten. There was even a small pencil, a banana-shaped eraser and a small ruler that she had kept there! On the fourth and the last shelf was a red pullover. When I unfolded it, it had a doll embroidered on it. This hand-knitted pullover had been gifted to me by her on my 15th birthday, which I had brushed away saying, “Grandma, red is too bright.