a small story for starting a seminar on respecting girls
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Small story to share in seminar on respecting girls:
Once there lived a farmer called Ajay who had a loving wife and a beautiful son. He lived with his mother and family in a house on the top of the hill. His wife worked hard to uplift their family. He did not have any respect for his wife and thought that she is doing only her duty. One day, when they were having dinner, he yelled at her for the burnt roti.
His son asked his father if he loved his mother. Ajay nodded his head and said that he loved her a lot as she supported his father a lot in nurturing us. His son said, "Father, my mother also does the same. How would you feel if your mom is disrespected? ,My teacher taught me today to respect the girls as they take many forms in our lives and sacrifices themselves to bring about a change". Ajay realised his mistake and apologized to his wife.