Computer Science, asked by tanishkaroy9931, 7 months ago

A software that are neither free nor open ` source is called ........................Software.`​


Answered by Anonymous


Free Software and Open Source Software are different categories, but with significant overlap. This causes many people to be very confused between the two, since many popular examples are both. Typically people consider the Free Software Foundation to be the custodian of the definition of software freedom, and the Open Source Initiative to be the custodian of the definition of Open Source Software, so rather than try to create a new definition (and get everyone upset), let's talk about the current state of definition.

To further clarify -- there are two meanings of "free" that are frequently confused. Free of charge (no cost, gratis), and that which promotes freedoms (e.g. freedom to share information, libre). Typically when people speak of free software, they think of software that does not cost them money to acquire or use. However, when people talk about software freedom, they are usually referring to the "four freedoms" that are posed by the Free Software Foundation.

So consider the following example: I can give you a free piece of software that does something (e.g. a simple calculator). It's free in the sense that you can download it from my website and I wont charge you for it. It's free in the sense that you can use it for anything you want (e.g. you can calculate your bank account, the velocity of falling penny, or how many kg of explosives you would need to blow up an airplane), and you can give it to anyone you want. But if I only give you the running program and I don't give you access to my source code, the you are not free to study how it works or to improve it. So this "free" calculator only promotes 2 of the 4 freedoms articulated by FSF and would fail their definition of software freedom.

Indeed, for all you know, my free calculator also comes with some malware that sends me all your passwords. If the Source Code was available for you to review, you'd be able to detect that and to create a new calculator that eliminates that code (or that adds you to the list of people who get passwords sent the them).

Answered by greeshmakachirayil


Software that is neither free nor open ` source is called proprietary software.

Only after purchasing the correct license can you access proprietary applications. It also possesses the relevant permission and copyright. In addition, the owner/developer always retains ownership of the software. Only specific predetermined circumstances allow users to utilize the program. Also, the program may only be modified or sold by the owner.

The owner may be a business or an individual developer. It also goes by the names closed source software, non-free software, and commercial software. MacOS, Adobe Suite, and Microsoft Windows Professional Edition are among the examples.

Software that is available both as source code and as the finished product is referred to be open-source. Also, users have the freedom to read, edit, and improve this code. The program doesn't need a license, either. Moreover, the program may be free or fee-based. Also, the user can distribute the program without breaking the terms of the license. Examples include Linux, Apache Server, Ionic, Android, and MySQL.

Learn more about proprietary software here:

Learn more about open-source software here:


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