A solution for the traffic jam problem
A solution for the traffic jam problem is provided in detail.
Some things are tried and worked around the world mainly in Europe.
1.) Decrease amount of lanes. Why? irrespective of the number of lanes if there's congestion there always are irrespective of 20lanes or 2. But 2lane roads have a smaller capacity thus pollution would be smaller and save space should be used for biking lanes etc.
2.) Destroy, and ban the utilization of some roads that may be used as “shortcuts”. If they were built mainly for cars(like big bridges with little sidewalks) turn them into buses only roads as an example. Why? Again it’s mathematically proven that shortcuts whether or not they'd take 0 times increase the total period and IRL also causes additional traffic.
3.) Get eliminate big ring roads and highways. It creates only more traffic.
4.) don't allow the employment of local roads by general traffic. By putting signs “only for residents/workers”, making them death end(cul de sac, that also increase the worth of area reason behind decreased noise and better safety).
5.) Create “bus only” lanes/roads. Also or make buses go there where people are, slowly or create bus rapid system(buses working like fast trams/trains) or preferably mix both of these.
6.) Discourage usage of personal cars. for instance by the usage of toll gates at entering of city centrum. whether or not the gate would cost like 10cents it’s just a thing that folks see as a large annoyance( lost of a small amount of cash at a toll gate annoy people quite standing during a hold up for some hours)
7.) Get obviate traffic lights. Mainly by using roundabouts. It’s not most about traffic but people simply tend to drive safer when there are not any lights and roundabouts make eventual collisions less deadly(lower speeds and better angles).
8.) If the town is grid-based get eliminate it by turning some lanes into buses, residents only, or large walk paths. Additionally, many of them were turned into cul-de-sacs.
If getting obviate the grid isn't an option. a minimum of turning it into a road about like system by making streets away.
So generally decreasing traffic and congestion is about decreasing road capacity and increasing walkability by decreasing speed and placing people and mass transit over random cars(that reciprocally increase safety for cars).