a speech on environmental pollution for morning assembly in 150 words
Environmental pollution includes two terms, namely, environment and pollution. In simple words, environment means all what does exist, our surroundings and that affects and influences the survival, growth, and development of organisms.
In other words, environment means aggregate of surrounding things. Pollution means the presence of dangerous unnatural ingredients causing imbalance in the ecosystem and health hazards to human beings and animals.
Thus, pollution can be any unnatural ingredients which damage the ecosystem and destroy the delicate balance in the ecosystem. Such unnatural ingredients may be gases (causing air pollution), solids/liquids (causing water, food and land pollution) or sound (causing sound pollution). All of them cause imbalance in ecosystem directly or indirectly and have potentiality to cause health hazards to human beings and animals. Hence, pollution has become a matter of great concern and consideration.
What is environmental pollution?
The environmental pollution can be defined as the introduction of different harmful pollutants into environment that makes the environment unhealthy to live in. In an elementary understanding, environmental pollution is a situation when the natural environment is unable to process the changes that are being brought about by human activities. In other words, environmental pollution is a situation when the harmful effects are due to the changes being brought about in the normal course of things by human activities.
Speaking in technical sense, the problem of environmental pollution basically arises when the natural environment becomes unable to decompose the non-natural elements, known in scientific lexicon as ‘anthropogenic pollutants. The negative effects of environmental pollution are commonly evident in the form of unclean air and water, the two essential elements for life to sustain. The most common pollutants causing environmental pollution, or say, unhealthy environment are usually chemicals, garbage, and waste water.
Environmental pollution is happening in many parts of the world, especially in the form of air and water pollution. The best examples for air pollution are some of the cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Kanpur, and Cuttack and the burning example for water pollution is the highly polluted water of the Ganga River in our country.
Many developed countries have introduced certain laws to not only regulate various types of pollution but also the laws to mitigate the adverse effects of pollution. Pollution levels need to be controlled all the time if we want to keep our environment safe and healthy. Without proper pollution control, environment soon becomes unhealthy.
Then, question is how to protect environment from pollution? The answer is preventing introduction of pollutants into environment is the best way to protect environment from pollution.
There are basically three kinds of environmental pollution:
(i) Air Pollution:
The strongest air pollutants are nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, airborne particles and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
(ii) Water Pollution:
The strongest water pollutants are insecticides, pollutants from livestock operations, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), food processing waste and chemical waste.
(iii) Soil Pollution:
The strongest soil pollutants are hydrocarbons, solvents, and heavy metals.
Among all of the above, the most damaging pollutants are fossil fuels and have been one of the most significant contributing factors to the global environmental pollution problem of the time.
The evil effects of fossil fuels are that these cause air pollution and their presence in products like plastics, solvents, lubricating oils, detergents, asphalt, and chemicals for industrial use cause soil pollution. Not only that, they also cause water pollution.
As mentioned in the Article 51A (g), to protect and improve the natural environment shall be the fundamental duty of the citizens of India.
Environmental pollution is the destruction of the environment. That is, the means of which our environment is corrupted due to which our environment is corrupted. Before this, due to its impact on humans and the natural world, we have to know and understand about it.
Main types of environmental pollutants - air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, soil pollution and light pollution. Gradually the population of the world is growing, due to which people are cutting forests to make homes. Due to deforestation in these past 10-15 years, there have been many types of hazardous gas emissions in the earth.
We live in such a beautiful planet Earth, the only planet where there is environment and life. One of the best ways to keep the environment clean is to keep water and air clean. But in today's day, man has been doing all his work on the contrary, whose biggest pollution is in front of our eyes.
We have to understand that if we want to save the earth, then we have to take stern steps so that we can save our environment from contamination. Without water and air the life of life will end in the earth so it is very important to keep these things in balance.
The Earth biosphere is a mixture of many types of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, and steam. All these things are very important for all the living beings. We have to keep the environment in accordance with the law to give the earth beautiful, clean and a better life for human beings. But the way human beings are flirting with nature, its hope is very little visible.