English, asked by rasmiyap51, 11 months ago

A speech on mother tounge


Answered by NikitayAdAv23


.Mother tongue is the first language we acquire naturally. The language of our mother is more important than anything else. Language is a natural phenomenon. It is a creation of man’s social needs. A child after its birth hears the language of his parents. Infants usually imitates whatever they see or hear. Thus his tongue slides early according to the slang he tries to make. Thus he will naturally speak his mother tongue. But a second language is to be taught and it will be difficult for the child.

Language is a extremely complex and versatile code that is used to communicate our thoughts and desires and experiences to other person. Man experiences his opinion and desires in mother tongue. If a man makes a speech or if he communicates in other language, it deserves only the second place. It is just because we think only in our mother tongue

hope it will help you

Answered by sweety0123

mother toung is the language we lean for the first time we are very fluent with our mother toung it is the best language to convey our feeling in our own way which we learn learn from our parents its the language we can understand complety we should not leave speaking our mother toung no matter how many language we learn. we should love our mother toung

thank you

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