English, asked by Sharvan10102, 1 year ago

A speech on "Preparing india for future challenges" for elocution competition. PLZ Help ME!!!


Answered by Sidyandex

A few major challenges India might face in the near future are Food & Water crisis, security both internal and external, lack of economic progress and increasing population.

Rectification of these problems is possible if they are given international attention, proper financial assistance and improvised technical support.

If no second thought is given at the earliest, the state might face political coalitions.

Answered by kmsangeeth



India must discover Covid19 vaccine and medicine to prevent or treat the new Coronavirus. It is learned that specific treatments of Covid19 are under investigation and will be tested through clinical trials.  India must ensure that every citizen should have adequate access to quality medical facilities and curative care without any financial hardships.

India must find new methodologies to save hungry people from poverty and homelessness. Free primary education to all Indian Citizen help eradicate poverty and homelessness.

India must have modern military resources to protect it's borders in light of the recent threats from China, Pakistan, Nepal, etc. India has to concurrently build on its military power to thwart the threats and challenges that is likely to face in the near future.

India must develop a team of qualified scientists to make new discoveries in the field of science and technology.  

India is set to surpass China as the world’s most populous country by 2027, according to recent United Nations projections. India must find methods to control Population by adopting various measures such as family planning, awareness programmes, incentives, etc.

India must strive to reduce unemployment. Promote SMEs (small and medium enterprises) and start-ups. Try and attract companies to set up manufacturing and assembly units in India. India has a huge population, a major portion of which is the youth. A little less wages or labour cost will attract firms. Something is better than nothing.

I am sure that the children of India can play a vital role in the development of a new India to combat future challenges. Let's strive together to make it a reality in the immediate future.

Jai Hind!


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