English, asked by vanshika7833, 1 year ago

a speech on the topic childhood the golden period ​


Answered by sangamverma294


yes childhood is a Golden period because


Childhood is truly a golden period because it is the age where care is taken by parents and at that age they are provided all basic supplements. Children's job is to eat sleep and play. That is why there is no tension to worry them and their minds are not polluted by any malpractices. Parents serve their kids and at that stage the kids consider their parents as gods. Generally the childhood starts from birth. It is defined as the time period from birth to adolescence and we cannot mention certain age limit to childhood because it depends from person to person. So most of countries have a certain age that is age of majority. The age limit is between 16 to 21 years and varies from country to country depending on their legal rule.Throughout the journey of life, a person experiences different stages like childhood, teenage, adulthood etc. These every stage are like different stay we take during our journey. None of them will be a final destination, but at least one stage of one's life would always be his/her happiest time span ever. Generally, for most of the people around the world, childhood is the happiest time of their life and I agree with that statement.

Childhood is the most adorable and tension free period. In childhood, a child does not have to bother about anything. Everybody in the family, whether it may be father, mother, brother, sister or anyone, take care of that child. The child is pampered and given love from all the members of the family. Parents take their child to park or fair or in game zone. Father plays indoor and outdoor games with his child. Mother takes care of her child's health, prepare delicious and favorite food. If the elder or younger brother is there, then he definitely shares his clothes and if the elder or younger sister is there, then she helps in the study.

In childhood, the child just enjoys every moment of his/her life without thinking about what is going to happen. Every child lives in their present moment and doesn't think out their future or even does not get panic for their past. If one wants to know what is honesty, he/she should meet any child on this earth because a child is the most honest person on the Earth.

According to me, childhood is the golden period of a person's life which never comes back even when we want to. I remember when I was a kid, my father and me used to play a game at bed time. He used to pull the bedsheet and I set on that and that whole situation had become so funny that even if I recall those moments, I laugh and wish that I could go back in my childhood and enjoy those little moments.

Childhood is that time of one's life in which the child starts to learn something new. He/she does every little thing for the first time. This is the time when if one wants to learn a child the true and good things, the child would definitely learn it very easily. Childhood is that dream which is not going to happen if one has already experienced it. Thus, I agree that childhood is the happiest time of a person's life.

Answered by lizvitadmello

Answer: It is indeed the golden period of someones life

Explanation  Childhood is the golden period of ones life as it deals with enjoyment completely. Children enjoy more freedom and are less accountable for their actions. They are known to have lots of fun and are generally less worried than their elders. They tend to enjoy life in their own way. It brings memories for a lifetime and their mind is lso not polluted by any bad practices or thoughts

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