A speech on the topic science is a boon or curse
science is both a boon and a curse at the same time. like Newton said, every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction. everything has a good and bad side and science is universal
science is one of the most significant way
which tells us the truth behind any mith
It tells us or educate us about the things
that are occurring in our surroundings for
example photosynthesis a process of making
food by the green plants with the help of
All the creatures on this earth adorns the
beauty of the nature which is also the part of
science provide us the knowledge of our
surrounding and also trains us our mind how
to use it in a right manner
not only this science also have an great
role in the field of medicine for ex chemistry
which is one of the branch of science
provides us the knowledge about medicine
to treat the harmful disease
Biology is the another branch of science
which deals with functioning of our internal
organs so we should look after science
because this is the only field which is full of
many interesting facts and truth