A speech on 'Water as a source of life and inspirtaion. '(350-400)words
The human body is 70% made up of water and our earth’s surface consists of 75% of water and below the surface of the land, there is a saturated layer which is known as the water table. If there is no water on earth there is no life. Moon does not have any life and therefore is a sterile desert because the moon does not contain water and hence there is no life on the moon.
The people living in cities or people of urban areas rarely understand the need of water. When they need water, what they need to do is to open the tap and use as much water they can and they also waste a lot of water in the same process. The only time when they realize the scarcity of water is when there is drought or water supply of water is not been regulated.
On the other hand, the people living in rural areas or the people living in the area where there is a scarcity of water and water is not proper, they realize the importance of water as for just one bucket of water they need to cover a long distance and come back that too in sun.
Uses of Water:
Water plays a significant role in the field of agriculture. Agriculture is impossible without water and if there would be no agriculture there would be nothing to eat. Irrigation is done with the help of water. Water ensures the proper growth of the plant. Water is used for various domestic uses such as for washing clothes, bathing, cooking etc. Water is also used in balancing the ecosystem. Water is used in industries such as steel industry, fertilizers, chemicals, cement, paper, etc in huge quantities for, cleaning, air conditioning, cooling, generation of power, fire protection etc. Water is also used in generating electricity. Water is an important source of fish, wildlife, and recreation. Recreational activities such as swimming, boating etc are just possible because of water.
We can live without food some days but we cannot live without water as water is our primary source of food. We see water all around us in the form of big oceans, seas etc. But the truth is we can only consume 3% of the total water available on the earth which is very less. The only resources of fresh water are glaciers, rivers, lakes, under rocks and excavated dams.
Wastage of Water
Did you know the major use of water is in the bathroom in the household, bathrooms use approx 40% of water within the households? A lot of water is wasted while bathing and while brushing teeth. Water is wasted in the lawns while doing agriculture etc.
Ways to Save Water [Speech on Importance of Water]
Just with our small and simple steps, we can save a lot of water so that our future generations do not come up with any problem. We must close all the taps when not in use. We should use limited water while bathing. We must fill a cup of water while brushing and should brush with that cup of water only. We must use the water sprinkler techniques in our lawns and while doing agriculture in order to save water. We must repair all the leaking taps in our household. We should not leave any tap with leaking water because that would waste a lot of water. We should reuse the water for more than one activity to save water.
Conclusion on Importance of Water
With the help of above essay, we can easily understand that water is a scarce resource and is very necessary for our life. Therefore we must use and utilize water in a very significant manner and also save water for our future generation.
Everyone knows that mankind’s consistent march down the path towards achieving technological progress has increasingly put the environment at risk. Nobody would deny this. And yet, nobody is really interested in engaging with environmental issues seriously.
This might seem strange since these issues are well-known to us. After all, who hasn’t heard of the threat of global warming or the dangers of wasting limited energy resources? We have all been taught the need to protect our environment and its resources against contamination, pollution or wastage. We all know the calamities that will follow if we fail in this duty towards our environment. This was drilled into us in school through workshops, special field trips and mandatory morning assemblies. And with the proliferation of communications media, we have been further barraged by warnings of global warming and the hazards of neglecting the environment. Even Hollywood jumped onto the bandwagon with big-budget films like The Day After Tomorrow which intended to scare us into taking proactive measures against environmental degradation. Unfortunately the film only served to scare us out of the movie theatres! Most recently, Al Gore’s documentary An Inconvenient Truth raised some well-needed concerns and hit the panic buttons more effectively.
But while we might talk about it or hold forums debating the need to do something about it, not much is actually being done.
I don’t mean to sound overly cynical and I do not want to dismiss the efforts both large and small that have been undertaken by committed individuals and organizations. I merely want to point out that there is a mind-bogglingly immense gap between what we are doing about the environment and what needs to be done. This does not only mean that we need to invest more time and money in this cause. Rather, it needs a great deal more devotion on our part. For the biggest stumbling block is our mindset. In other words, although we know of the existence of environmental problems, we do not think of it as OUR problem. We see it as something that must be dealt with in the distant future. If this attitude persists, then all is lost. In fact, no breakthroughs will be possible if we do not collectively feel the pressing need to do something about it NOW.