A sportsman runs when muscle cramps how do desert plants perform photosynthesis to their stomata
muscle cramping results due to formation of lactic acid in muscles of the sportsperson due to lack of oxygen reaching the muscle, anaerobic respiration starts,glucose converts into lactic acid and releases energy. when lactic acid accumulates in the muscles,it causes cramping.
desert plants perform photosynthesis in night (Cam pathway) form the glucose by the fixation of carbon dioxide. their stomata open in night (close during day to reduce transpiration) and allow gaseous exchange..
this is a nice questions
ok so here is the answer
while a sports man is running he breathes heavily as his stamina decreases
=> so the demand of oxygen is less for him
=>now he stars breathing anoerabically
=>during this The muscles begin to do anaerobic respiration, because oxygen is not present.
=>now lactic acid gets accumalted in the muscles.this process is lactic acid fermenation
=> it is a process that takes place when oxygen is not present .
=>this causes muscle cramps when sportsman run
hope it helps u.......