Science, asked by harshdeep112233, 1 year ago

A spring of spring constant 7600N/m is attached to a block of mass 0.25 kg. frequency of oscillation on the frictionless surface is


Answered by pg1947945


When displaced from equilibrium, the net force exerted by the springs is  –2kx  acting in a direction so as to return the block to its equilibrium position  (x=0). Since the acceleration  a=d2x/dt2, Newton’s second law yields,  mdt2d2x=−2kx. 

Substituting  x=xmcos(ωt+ϕ)  and simplifying, we find  ω2=m2k

where  ω  is in radians per unit time. Since there are  2π  radians in a cycle, and frequency  f  measures cycles per second, we obtain


I hope so this answer

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