Math, asked by virayivan09, 5 hours ago

A stadia measurement was undertaken with a theodolite having an internal focusing
telescope and stadia interval factor of 98.8. When a backsight was taken on a turning
point whose elevation is 205.62 m, the rod interval observed was 1.94 m; and with the horizontal hairs set at 1.50 m on the rod, the vertical angle reading was +13 45 . For a foresight to a control point, the rod intercept was 1.17 m; and with the horizontal hair reading of 1.60 m on the rod, the vertical angle observed was -7 18 . Determine the elevation of the line of sight at the instrument point and the elevation of the point on which the foresight was taken.


Answered by anu560070

Step-by-step explanation:

stadia measurement was undertaken with a theodolite having an internal focusing

telescope and stadia interval factor of 98.8. When a backsight was taken on a turning

point whose elevation is 205.62 m, the rod interval observed was 1.94 m; and with the horizontal hairs set at 1.50 m on the rod, the vertical angle reading was +13 45 . For a foresight to a control point, the rod intercept was 1.17 m; and with the horizontal hair reading of 1.60 m on the rod, the vertical angle observed was -7 18 . Determine the elevation of the line of sight at the instrument point and the elevation of the point on which the foresight was taken.

Answered by qwbravo

The answer is 145.272m


stadia interval factor K = 98.8

For internal focussing telescope

addition constant. C = 0

a) back sight on focusing point

S = 1.94m

S₂= 1.50m

α= +13°45

L = Ks + C = 98.8 * 194 + 0

V = L(sin)α = 191.672x sin 13°45'

= 45.557m.

elevation of line of sight at Instrument point.

RL of TP + S₂-V

= 205-62 +1.50 - 45.557m

= 161.56m

b) ForeSight to Control point.

ForeSight to Control point.S = 1.17m

ForeSight to Control point.S = 1.17m

S₂ = 1.60m

ForeSight to Control point.S = 1.17m

S₂ = 1.60mβ = -7°18'

ForeSight to Control point.S = 1.17m

S₂ = 1.60mβ = -7°18'

L = Ks + C = 98 8 * 1.17 + 0

ForeSight to Control point.

S = 1.17m S₂ = 1.60m

β = -7°18'

L = Ks + C = 98 8 * 1.17 + 0= 115.596m

ForeSight to Control point.S = 1.17m

S₂ = 1.60m

β = -7°18'

L = Ks + C = 98 8 * 1.17 + 0 = 115.596m

V= L(sin β) = 115.596x sin(7°18)

= 115.596x sin(7°18)

= 14.688m

= 115.596x sin(7°18)

= 14.688m

elevation of the control point on which IS is taken

= 115.596x sin(7°18)

= 14.688m

elevation of the control point on which IS is taken = (R.L. of the instrument -V-S₂) point

= 115.596x sin(7°18)

= 14.688m

elevation of the control point on which IS is taken = (R.L. of the instrument -V-S₂) point

= 161.56-14-688-1.60

= 115.596x sin(7°18)= 14.688m

elevation of the control point on which IS is taken = (R.L. of the instrument -V-S₂)

point= 161.56-14-688-1.60 = 145.272m

= 115.596x sin(7°18)= 14.688m

elevation of the control point on which IS is taken = (R.L. of the instrument -V-S₂)

point= 161.56-14-688-1.60 = 145.272m


= 115.596x sin(7°18)= 14.688m

elevation of the control point on which IS is taken = (R.L. of the instrument -V-S₂)

point= 161.56-14-688-1.60 = 145.272m


The answer is 145.272m

= 115.596x sin(7°18)= 14.688m

elevation of the control point on which IS is taken = (R.L. of the instrument -V-S₂)

point= 161.56-14-688-1.60 = 145.272m


The correct answer is 145.272m


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