(a) State the North South and East West extent of
North America.
(b) How is North America linked to South America?
(c) Name three gulfs along the coastline of North
(d) What type of rocks are found in Canadian Shield?
(e) Name the famous lakes in Canadian Shield.
(f) Where is the Piedmont plateau situated? What is
its importance?
(g) Why are Prairies known as the 'Granaries of the
(h) Name the river that drains the lowlands.
(i) State the location of Western Cordilleras.
(i) Name the important ranges of Western Cordilleras.
a) North America is bounded on the North by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by the North Atlantic Ocean, on the south by the Caribbean Sea and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.
b) North America is linked to South America by a narrow strip of landscape called the Isthmus of Panama.
c) Three gulfs along the coastline of North America are Gulf of Mexico, between Mexico, the United States and Cuba. Gulf of Morbihan, a natural Harbor on the coast of the department of Morbihan in the South of Brittany.
d) The Canadian Shield is mainly of highly metamorphosed granite, with smaller areas of metamorphosed sedimentary and igneous rocks and some areas of relatively horizontal but still quite ancient sedimentary rocks.
e) The famous lakes in Canadian Shield are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
f) The Piedmont plateau is located in the eastern United States. it sits between the Atlantic coastal plain and the main Appalachian mountains, stretching from New York in the North to Central Alabama in the South.
The importance of Piedmont plateau is that it comprises a relatively low rolling plateau (from 300 to 1800 feet) cut by many rivers and is a fertile agricultural region.
g) The Prairies are known as the Granaries of the world due to the huge surplus of wheat production. Good variety of sheep (merino) is found here in abundant. This has given rise to the wood industry in the Vields.
h) The upper Mississippi river drains the lowland.
i) The Western cordillera is located on the western coastal area of Canada. Provides that are included in the region are British Colombia, Yukon, Alberta and the northwest Territories.
j) The cordilleras is a complex region with the distinct mountain ranges:
the Rocky mountains in the East, the coast range and the Klamath mountains on the west coast and the Sierra Nevada and cascade mountains ranges just inland from the west coast.
Hope it helped you.
(a) North America is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by the north Atlantic Ocean, on the south by the Pacific Ocean
(b) North America is linked to south america by a narrow strip of landscape called the isthmus of Panama
i hope it will help you