A steel tape was exactly 30m long at 18℃ when supported throughout its length under a Pull
of 8 Kg. A line was measured with a tape under Pull of 12Kg and found to be 1602m. The
mean temparauireduringmeasurementwas26℃.Assumingthetapetobesupportedatevery
30m ,CalculatetheTrueLengthoftheLine.Giventhat,Crosssectionalareaofthetapeis
per1℃ ,andmodulusofelasticityis2.1X106Kg/Cm2.
Answer:of 8 Kg. A line was measured with a tape under Pull of 12Kg and found to be 1602m. The
mean temparauireduringmeasurementwas26℃.Assumingthetapetobesupportedatevery
30m ,CalculatetheTrueLengthoftheLine.Giventhat,Crosssectionalareaofthetapeis
per1℃ ,andmodulusofelasticityis2.1X106Kg/Cm2.
A steel exactly 30m long at 18oC when supported throughout its length
under a pull of 8kg. A line was measured with a tape under a pull of 12kg
and found to be 1602m. The mean temperature during the measurement was
26oC. Assuming the tape to be supported at every 30m, calculate the length
of the line, given that cross sectional area of the tape is 0.04 sq.cm. The
weight of 1cc = 0.0077kg. The co-efficient of expansion=0.000012 per 1oC,
and the modulus of elastic =2.1X103kg/sq.cm.