A stitch in time nine 450words
A stitch in time saves nine
A stitch in time saves nine” Essay 5 (600 words)
Someone has truly made this statement that “A stitch in time saves nine”, means that if we take our work seriously and do it within time then we never face any kind of problem in future. By delaying or postponing our duties or work for tomorrow, we just have to do double and trouble efforts for completing it thus ignorance or negligence of our duties is just a foolish decision taken by us.
Whether the problem is related to physical, personal or social we all require quick attention and action from our side. The habit of laziness and leaving things on next day are the worst habit of a person which prohibit them to get success in life, we need to remove this habit from us on immediate basis.
Everyone should know the importance of time for achieving some great things in life. Even we should all teach our children to understand the time management to get better results in life. Many of us leave our work for tomorrow and days after tomorrow, thus this act of delaying work affect negatively on us in various manners.
For an example, if we got injured by an iron pin and we ignore it in spite of doing treatment by applying antiseptic on it then we would have to face the critical disease in terms of infection or increased septic.
Leaving our duties on others or on next day is the bad quality in a person that requires to be recovered or end on prime basis. To repair or solve some kind of damage or problem in the beginning is much easier and beneficial for all. We can take several examples for making people understand this fact.
Kind of bad habits in human being like drugs, smoking or alcohol can be quit in beginning time but if people got addicted of these things, it would be very difficult for anyone to get rid of this situation.
In case of personal relations with family and friends, we require to have transparency among us. If we interpret dent by our closed ones then we may face the situation of broken relations thus it’s better to clarify your views in front of them in beginning before it gets too late.
Social issues existed in our country also needs attention on quick basis like child labour, female foeticide, dowry system, pollution, population and unemployment. Though various organizations are working for the betterment of our country but still these issues are not ended till now in India. These crimes or issues require continuous effort by each and every citizen of this country until we get success in removing it from the root.
To make things according to us we need to have time management in our daily routine life. Due to having laziness nature sometime people ignore bad impact of delaying things for further which should not be acceptable by anyone. The quality of taking things seriously and efficiently working on it would save you from any kind of trouble in life.
At the end, it is advisable to those people who are fond of leaving or ignoring things and take all matter lightly in life that time management is the best quality; a person can have if he wants to achieve something great in life. We should do our work on time in spite of cursing or blaming others. Destiny would definitely change according to your hard work and efforts and will always be in your favour.
A stitch in time saves nine
The proverb "a stitch in time saves nine" means that it is better to deal with problems as early as possible. If we don't sort out a problem immediately it may become more difficult and harder to solve it in future.
This proverb is derived from the action of promptly sewing up of a small hole in our clothes to prevent it from tearing further and becoming larger. It is better to deal with a problem immediately because if we delay the problem is likely to get worse and more difficult to deal with later. When a problem is left undone due to procrastination or delay it will become harder and harder to cope with. It may cause lost or more difficult troubles in future.
We must never put off doing something until a later time. What can be done today must not be kept pending for tomorrow. We say that “a stitch in time saves nine" to express that it is better to spend a little time and effort in dealing with a problem immediately because it may get worse and take longer time or more effort to deal with later on.
A stitch in time saves nine. If we can manage every problem in time, life will become less burdensome, less worrisome and easier.