English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

A stitch in time saves nine

Please describe everything about this proverb


Answered by abhishekdhotre77
hii.......You use this proverb to say that it is better to spend a little time to deal with problems or act right now than wait. If you wait until late, things will get worse, and it will take much longer to deal with them. It is often shortened to "A stitch in time"...

hope it helps .

Answered by HappiestWriter012

It may be explained in three ways.

1) First thing is If we does something it should be in time, and it will save us.
I would like to explain it with a example :- So If you are a tailor, If someone orders you a cloth to be stitch, You just stitch it in time.

2) Second thing is We should make some things good,before its too late.
So, The example is If we can't make a plant grow straightly.We can't make it after its grown

3) Third thing is We should rectify something at the particular time, it may save everyone.
Here, The example is If you are weaving
Sweater, you have weaved thread wrong, if you won't correct it at the proper moment. After completing it. we can't change.

So we should be spontaneous to things. Small modifications at the correct place & time can make a worse thing the best is The real meaning of A stitch in time, saves nine
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