English, asked by raeesha2218, 7 months ago

a story in which two peple unexpectedly agree to help each other






A few years ago, I was circling the block to find a parking space so I could get a cup of coffee. A woman walking by flagged me down and said she would go in and get me the coffee if I gave her my order. While she was inside, a spot opened up and I was waiting by my car when she exited. I thanked her when she came out and went to hand her money. She said the coffee was on her. She went on to explain that she had metastatic cancer and with the time she had left, she wanted to do as many good deeds as possible. I shared with her that I was a cancer survivor and the two of us ― complete strangers ― shared a hug and some tears. She asked me to pay it forward as often as possible, and ever since that day I make sure to do random acts of kindness for others as often as I can.   VJAY

Answered by KauserFathima778


As much as humans like to control their own lives, there are many aspects that are outside of our control. For example, we do not choose the families into which we are born or the places where we grow up. The same is sometimes true of friendships. Some friends we choose because we identify them as people who are similar to us and because they offer us something we want. Occasionally, however, we make unexpected friends. For example, a young person bumps into someone at the library who is crying because she has lost an important paper she was writing for school. As a result, the two become friends and learn that helping people through tough times is at the core of strong relationships.

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