a story of tribal group are known as adivasi is described in 150 word
The Bishnois of Rajasthan:
After an acute famine and drought that occurred in the Barmer district of Rajasthan in 1471, a saint guru Jambaji preached the wisdom of understanding the environment. The people realized that since they had felled a great number of trees, they had invited drought and famine to their land. Guru Jambaji laid down twenty-nine doctrines which the people should follow.
All these doctrines preached to live in harmony with nature. His followers came to be called ‘Bishnois’ meaning ‘followers of bees (twenty)’ and ‘not (nine)’ principles. These principles laid a strict ban on cutting a green tree and killing any animal or bird. Soon the region became green and natural ecosystems got restored.
Later, the ruler of Jodhpur wanted a part of the forest cleared to build a palace. The Bishnois prevented the soldiers from cutting down the trees, and thus many of them got killed. The ruler was overwhelmed on hearing of the devotion of the Bishnois to the trees. After that, all wishes of Bishnois were respected in the area.
Till today, Bishnois protect the trees and wildlife of the area. The Black Buck, which is an endangered species, is found in Bishnoi villages, because it is held sacred by the community.