A straight long wire of radius a carries a current I uniformly distributed along its cross section. The magnetic field B in the region r < a will be proportional to
Field at outside points : The Amperean loop is a circle labelled 2 haveing radius r>a.
Length of the loop, L=2πr
Net current enclosed by the loop =I
By Ampere's circuital law,
or B×2πr=μ0I
or B=μ0I2πr
i.e., B∝1r [For outside points]
Field at inside points : The Amperean loop is a circle labelled 1 with r<a.
Length of the loop, L=2πr
So, the current enclosed by loop 1 is less than I. As the current distribution is uniform, the fraction of I enclosed is
Applying Amphere's law,
or B×2πr=μ0lr2a2
or B=(μ0I2πa2)r[Forr<a]
i.e., B∝r [For inside points ]
Thus, the field B is proportional to r as we move from the axis of the cylinder towards its surface and then it decreases as 1r. The variation of B with distance r from the centre of the wire is shown in figure.
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