Physics, asked by shineschahat3, 8 months ago

A student is observing the diagram showing the path of a ray of light passing through a glass prism. He would find that for all angles of incidence the ray of light bends:​


Answered by nirman95

A student is observing the diagram showing the path of a ray of light passing through a glass prism. He would find that for all angles of incidence the ray of light bends towards the base of the prism.


  • Let us assume that a ray of light is incident on the 1st surface of a glass prism. We know that refractive index of glass is greater than that of air.

  • So, the light ray refracts and deviates towards the normal.

  • Now , this light ray is incident on the 2nd surface off the glass prism. Now the ray is travelling from glass (denser) to air (rarer).

  • So, the emergent ray deviates away from the normal.

  • As a whole , it is observed that the net deviation of the light ray is towards the base of the prism.

  • Refer to attached diagram.

  • You can also see that in dispersion of white light , all the component colours are deviated towards the base of the prism.

\setlength{\unitlength}{1cm} \begin{picture}(1,0) \thicklines\qbezier(0,0)(0,0)(2,2)\qbezier(0,0)(0,0)(4,0)\qbezier(4,0)(2,2)(2,2)\put( - 0.29, 0.45){\line(2,1){1.6}}\put( - 0.29, 0.45){\vector(2, 1){1}}\put(1.2, 1.26){\line(1, 0){1.5}}\put( 1.2, 1.26){\vector(1, 0){0.9}}\put(2.7, 1.26){\line(1, 0){2.5}}\put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(6, -1){2.5}} \put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(5,-2){2.5}} \put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(4,-1){2.5}}\put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(3,-2){2.5}}\put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(5, - 3){2.5}}\put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(5,-4){2.5}}\put(5.5, -1.4 ){\line(0,1){3}}\put(7.2, -1.4 ){\line(0,1){3}} \put(5.7, 1.2 ){ $\bf Red$}\put(5.7, 0.8 ){ $\bf Orange$}\put(5.7, 0.4 ){ $\bf Yellow$}\put(5.7, 0){ $\bf Green$}\put(5.7, - 0.4 ){ $\bf Blue$}\put(5.7, - 0.8){ $\bf Indigo$}\put(5.7, - 1.2 ){ $\bf Violet $}\end{picture}

\star Hope It Helps.

Answered by festinbiju


towards the normal while entering the prism and away from the normal while emerging from the prism.


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