Biology, asked by celiana34, 4 months ago

A student is to conduct an experiment to show CO2 is released during respiration. List two precautions that he/she must take for obtaining correct observation.

Plz answer this question​


Answered by llItzDishantll

Following are the precaution student take in the experiment:-

A) The apparatus should be airtight especially conical flask.

B) Freshly prepared KOH should be used.

C) Put the shorter end of glass in a way it avoids touching the seeds.

Answered by itztaesprincessliza


Any mineral ion concentration in tissues that reduces the dry weight of tissues by about 10 percent

is considered toxic.

b) The prominent symptom of Manganese toxicity is the appearance of brown spots surrounded by

chlorotic veins.

c) Mn competes with iron and Mg for uptake and with Mg for binding with enzymes.

d) Mn also inhibit calcium translocation in shoot apex.

e) The symptoms of Mn toxicity may actually be the deficiency symptoms of iron, Magnesium and


How many of the above statements are correct about Mn toxicity.

1) a,b,c only

2) a,c,d only

3) c,b,d only

4) all are correct.


A student is to conduct an experiment to show CO2 is released during respiration. List two precautions that he/she must take for obtaining correct observation.

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