A substance 1c ofnegetive charge on 1y. Howmany electrons are these in excess on it as compared to neutral state
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The Coulomb is a 'derived' unit depending on the basic units of the metricsystem. So one Coulomb is the amount of charge in an electric current of one Ampere/second--the Ampere being the current required to obtain an amount of magnetic force between a pair of current carrying wires. The Millikan oil drop experiment, which measures the charge on a single electron, provides the answer to how many electrons per second are in one Ampere. A single electron has a charge of 1.60217733 × 10-19 Coulombs. A collection of 6.2415 × 1018 electrons has a charge of one Coulomb (1/1.60217733x10-19). 1.6 into 10 raise to power -19 no of electrons are present in one coulomb of charge.