Chemistry, asked by sanjanahemantmoodlia, 8 days ago

A substance crystallizes in fcc structure. The unit cell edge length is 367.8pm. Calculate the molar mass of the

substance if its density is 21.5 g/cm3



Answered by MJ0022


To calculate the molar mass of a substance, we need to know its formula. Since the only information you've provided is the substance's structure and density, it's impossible to determine its formula. However, if you know the formula, it's relatively straightforward to calculate the molar mass of a substance.


To start, we can use the density of the substance, which is given as 21.5 g/cm^3, to find the mass of one unit cell. The volume of a face-centred cubic (FCC) unit cell is given by the formula:

V = a^3

where a is the edge length of the unit cell. Since the edge length is given as 367.8 pm, we can substitute this value into the formula to find the volume of one unit cell:

V = (367.8 x 10^-12 m)^3 = (367.8 x 10^-12 m)^3

Then we can use density, D = mass/volume, to calculate the mass of one unit cell.

mass = D * V = (21.5 g/cm^3) * (4.66 x 10^-29 m^3) = 9.98 x 10^-29 g

Now, since we know the mass of one unit cell, we need to know Avogadro's number to find the molar mass. Avogadro number is 6.022 x 10^23 per mol.

Molar mass = mass/n = (9.98 x 10^-29 g) / (6.022 x 10^23 mol^-1)

However, since we don't have a formula, we cannot complete this calculation.

It is impossible to determine the molar mass of a substance without knowing its chemical formula.

To learn more about molar mass, from the given link.

To learn more about the formula, from the given link.

Answered by Ishaan038


FCC ( face centred cubic structure). Atoms are arranged at the corners and centre of each cube face of the cell.This unit uses 14 atoms, eight of which are corner atoms with the other six in the center of each of the faces.

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