a summary on the adventures of Toto
Grandfather bought toto from a tanga driver. Tanga driver used to keep toto tied to a feeding trough. Toto look out of the place there grandfather decided to keep monkey in his private zoo. Toto has bright eyes, pearly white teeth sparkle mischief, his tail always adds to his good looks. Toto don't let other animal to other animal sleep at night. So grandfather decided to keep his monkey in sharanpur. He kept monkey in his canvas kit bag. Inspecor call it a dog because their are no seprate rule for monkey. One day toto bring a large pettle. Which was on fire to boil water for tea. Toto sees that water was quite warm. Soon the water became to boil. Toto keep his body upward a little. He feel cold outside. So he sit again in large pettle. He continues hoping up and down. Suddenly grandmother came and than she fast keep monkey out of pettle when grandmother keeps to monkey out than he was half boiled. Toto has habit to spoil dishes and clothes. He tear curtains and wallpaper. When any of grandmother came near to stop him from spoiling thing. Than he try to tear her dress than speaker grandfather think that he dont keep monkey for a long time in his house
In the story “Adventures of Toto”, Toto is a monkey. The story is written by Ruskin Bond. Ruskin Bond has described how his grandfather was fond of animals. He bought a monkey from a Tonga-driver for Rs. 5. First when the grandfather saw Toto tied up to a feeding-trough, he looked very ill and ugly. As the grandfather had his own private zoo he kept the little monkey in it.
Toto used his tail as a third hand. He used it to hang from a branch and for scooping up any delicacy that might be out of reach of his hands. Toto’s presence was kept a secret from grandmother as she didn’t like animals. One day when grandfather was going out of station, he decided to take Toto along with him. A big black canvas kit bag was provided for Toto so that he could not escape.
Gradually grandmother accepted Toto in the house.
In winters when Toto had to go for bath he would cunningly test the temperature with his hand. When the water became cold, he would run to the kitchen fire to dry himself. If anyone laughed at him, he felt hurt and would refuse to continue with his bath.
Soon grandfather realized that Toto was not the type of pet to be kept in the house.He found the Tonga-driver, and sold Toto back to him for Rs. 3 only.