a table project of field and field consist of record is it true or false
Evaluation of Database Structures
Hierarchical Data Structure Ease with which data can be stored and retrieved in structured, routine types of transactions.
Ease with which data can be extracted for reporting purposes.
Routine types of transaction processing is fast and efficiently.
Hierarchical one-to many relationships must be specified in advance, and are not flexible.
Cannot easily handle ad hoc requests for information.
Modifying a hierarchical database structure is complex.
Great deal of redundancy.
Requires knowledge of a programming language.
Network Structure More flexible that the hierarchical model.
Ability to provide sophisticated logical relationships among the records
Network many-to-many relationships must be specified in advance
User is limited to retrieving data that can be accessed using the established links between records. Cannot easily handle ad hoc requests for information.
Requires knowledge of a programming language.
Relational Structure
Flexible in that it can handle ad hoc information requests.
Easy for programmers to work with. End users can use this model with litter effort or training.
Easier to maintain than the hierarchical and network models.
Cannot process large amounts of business transactions as quickly and efficiently as the hierarchical and network models.
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