'A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touchches a heart.' explain this in the context of helen kellers life
This means that a teacher hold your hands and help you in everything and then opens your blocked mind,fill it with new ideas and creativity and after doing so much for you..A teacher come close to your heart and remains forever there
A teacher has the power of transforming any students life."the Most Important Day " highlights this truth beautifully.
Miss Sullivan inspired Helen through the qualities of her love, care and deep knowledge. The world is full of ordinary teachers who just teach shallowly, but Miss Sullivan touched the depths of Helen's soul and brought light to her darkened world. She won Helen's confidence convincingly.
Since Helen was suffering from hearing as well as visual disabilities, Miss Sullivan really had to work very hard to teach Helen the words and alphabet, She understood Helen Thoroughly. She knew how to make things clear to Helen. One day, She made Helen put her hand into running water. then she spelt W-A-T-E-R. Suddenly, Helen understood that W-A-T-E-R meat something wet, running her hand. Helen understood that words were the most important thing in the world, words would tell her everything she wanted to know. Helen learned more words after that,which were to make the world blossom for her. This is what Miss Sullivan used to tell Helen- "Keep on beginning and falling. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you succeed".
It was Miss Sullivan's genius, her sympathy, her loving tact which made the beginning of Helen's education so beautiful. Miss Sullivan made learning easy and fun-filled for Helen.
As a teacher they are given a hundred and one opportunities to make an impact on the lives of people , from students to teachers, to principles, and to tell all other coworkers... We should regard the teaching profession as a privilege, a vocation that affects eternity.