A temple priest counted his daily earnings. He had a certain number of 10-paise coins on his plate. There were twice as many 25-paise coins as there were 10-paise coins. The 50p coins added up to a value of ₹3.50.If his total earnings for the day were ₹15.50, how many 10p, 25p, and 50p coins did he earn?
Please tell me with full explanation guys
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Let the number of 10 paise coins be x
- Number of 25 paise coins = 2 x
Rs 3.50 = 350 paise and Rs 15.50 = 1550 paise
- 10 x + 25 ( 2 x ) + 350 = 1550
- 10 x + 50 x = 1550 - 350
- 60 x = 1200
- x =
= x = 20
Number of 10 paise coin = 20,
Number of 25 paise coin = 2 x = 2 ( 20 )
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