A temporary group of specialists working under one manager to accomplished a fixed objective.
New questions in Business Studies
Tuberculosis has had a ...resurgence including in India.(A) nationwide(B) worldwide(C) asia(D) Europe
suppose you are the senior marketing executive of SRM company, salt Lake, Kolkata-16. yesterday a fire broke out in your office. Now write a report to …
Q.) The market condition when goods and services are not freely available and thus the pricesare relatively high is calledA, rights issueB. sinking fu …
32. .Budgetary control system acts as a friend, philosopher and guide to the...(A) Management(B) Share holders(C) Creditors(D) Employees
31. Budget is prepared for a(A) Indefinite period(B) Definite period(C) Period of one year(D) Six months
What is pre-shipment finance
31. Budget is prepared for a(A) Indefinite period(B) Definite period(C) Period of one year(D) Six months
Marketing is meeting needs profitability.comment.
. A budget is a plan of action expressed in(A) Financial terms(B) Non-financial terms(C) Both(D) Subjective matter