English, asked by guptavimla568, 8 months ago

a) the rainy day and the traffic was busy on the road. A speeding
dentally hit a car (b) ... ..0.. the market. Five commuters were badly loan
le one person died on the spot. An ambulance (d) ......... hurriedly called
(ii) an
(iii) a
(iv) on
(iv) in
(i) on
i into
(iii) off
(iv) hurting
(i) injure (ii) injured
(iii) injuring
i) would (ii) is
(iii) was
(iv) has been
s been omitted. Write the missing word
he following passage, one word has been omitted. Wr
vord that comes before and the word that comes ay
ryone has mental picture
Icano. In appearance it
Es like cone-shaped mountain.
one is rather​


Answered by rmb

a) It was a rainy day and the traffic was busy on the road. A speeding bus accidentally hit a car (b) in the market. Five commuters were badly (c) injured while one person died on the spot. An ambulance (d) was hurriedly called.

Since the question is not clearly typed, some changes have been made to make sense of the question.

a)It was a rainy day- The narrative is all in the past tense. Hence the beginning has to have a verb in the past.

b)In the market- No other preposition is suitable here. (Prepositions: on, off, after, before, up, down, into, under, above, etc.)

c) Badly injured- If you read the complete sentence, you will see that the word ‘while’ is part of the sentence. ‘While’ here is used to show contrast. Therefore, if one person died, five others did not die. Instead, they were injured.

d) An ambulance was called- ‘Was’ is used to continue the past tense used in the previous sentences.

Answered by Fatimakincsem

It was a rainy day and the traffic was busy on the road.


  • It was a rainy day and the traffic was busy on the road. A speeding
  • car accidentally hit a  in the market. Five commuters were badly injured
  • and one person died on the spot.
  • An ambulance was hurriedly called to take the injured persons and the dead body to the hospital.
  • The persons were badly injured and he injuries on their body were bleeding continuously.
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