A thermoflask containing tea is shaken vigorously.
Considering tea as a system
(a) has heat been added to tea?
(b) has work been done on it?
(c) has its internal energy changed?
(d) does its temperature rise?
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A thermoflask containing tea is shaken vigorously.
Considering tea as a system
(a) has heat been added to tea?
(b) has work been done on it?
(c) has its internal energy changed?
(d) does its temperature rise?
Answer :
a. No , heat is not transfered from the surrounding.
i.e. d Q = 0
b. Yes , work is done in shaking against the viscous force .
i.e. d W = - ve .
c. Yes , internal energy of tea increases , as
d U = d Q - d W
d U = + ve [ d Q = 0 and d W = - ve ]
d . Yes the temperature of tea rises due to increase in internal energy.
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