a. thermometer.
b. hydrometer.
c. barometer.
5. Which of the following substances has the greatest density?
a. aluminum
b. water
c. oxygen
Question 1.
The density of irregular solids can be determined with help of a Eureka can.
Question 2.
The drop in the level of water in a measuring cylinder when an object is placed in it gives the volume of the object.
Correct : The rise in the level of water in measuring cylinder when an object is placed in it gives the volume of the object.
Question 3.
A Eureka can is a container with a spout near its bottom.
Correct : A Eureka can is a container with a spout near its top.
Think and answer
Question 1.
How can the knowledge of relative density help in verifying the purity of substances ?
Suppose you are given a sample of the substance and you need to verify its purity. First, find out the relative density
of the substance (r). Then, you should determine the relative density of the sample. Let us say it comes out to be r\ If r’ = r, then the substance is pure or else it is impure.
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