Hindi, asked by amolasumangmailcom, 8 months ago

अंधेर नगरी के बारे में 10 वाक्य ​


Answered by goodboy221

Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?Rate this guy's look on a scale of 10.

Be very honest.

Does he look nice?

Answered by akshita4382


अंधेर नगरी प्रसिद्ध हिंदी साहित्यकार भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र का सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय नाटक है। ६अंकों के इस नाटक में विवेकहीन और निरंकुश शासन व्यवस्था पर करारा व्यंग्य करते हुए उसे अपने ही कर्मों द्वारा नष्ट होते दिखाया गया है। भारतेंदु ने इसकी रचना बनारस के हिंदू नेशनल थियेटर के लिए एक ही दिन में की थी।


hope it will help u

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