A. "This was hardly what I Intended. What I had meant, of course, was, that I should boss the Job, and that Harris and George should potter about under my direction."
a. What is this the narrator is referring to?
)"this" refers to the problem created by Montmorency.
i) "this" refers to the response of his friends to his offer. I) "this" refers to the food hampers that were left for packing. lv) "this" refers to the expressions shown by his friends.
b.What did he mean to do?
) He had meant to supervise the packing.
i) He had been expecting some appreciation for the job he had done.
ii) He wanted to be the boss of the house.
iv) He wanted to bully George and Harris.
c. What is the meaning of 'potter in the above given lines?
) Doing the most difficult task.
11) spend time in a relaxed manner.
i)messing the work. IvY Assisting others in the work
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sorry I cannot help u .,..,
Answered by
a. 'this' refers to the response of his friends to his offer.
b. He had meant to supervise the packing.
c. Doing the most difficult task.
This is what I know
hope it helps you!!
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