English, asked by ZzzzzR213, 5 months ago

A thousand waters mountains crosses to be borne meaning


Answered by davkumar3149


there are a thousand waters to be spanned;//

there are a thousand mountains to be crossed;//

there are a thousand crosses to be borne.//

Our shoulders are not strong;/ our sinews are

grown flaccid with dependence,/ smug with ease

under another’s wing.//

Rest not in peace;//

Meaning: Rizal cannot rest yet because we are still very dependent on others and we need to become independent.

2nd stanza – Not yet Rizal,/ not yet.// The land has need/

of young blood/ and/ what younger than your own,/

Forever spilled in the great name of freedom,//

Forever oblate on the altar of the free?//

Meaning: the Philippines needs young people’s blood like Rizal so we can have the courage to fight for the country and we can have true freedom

3rd stanza – Not you alone, Rizal.//

O souls and spirits of the martyred brave,/ arise!//

Arise and scour the land!// Shed once again

your willing blood!// Infuse the vibrant red

into our thin anemic veins;/ until

we pick up your Promethean tools and,/ strong,/

out of the depthless matrix of your faith

in us,/ and on the silent cliffs of freedom,/

We carve for all time your marmoreal dream!/

Until our people,/ seeing,/ are become

Like the molave,/ firm,/ resilient,/ staunch,/

Rising on the hillside,/ unafraid,/

Strong in its own fibre;/ yes,/ like the molave!//

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