English, asked by MSDHONI72145, 10 months ago



Answered by MANAN8055


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"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."

– Voltaire

Giving thanks to your audience: It is a necessary—and appreciated—part of most speeches and presentations. It's considered good manners, common courtesy.

So is it rude for us to confess?

We're not always grateful for the way speakers go about it.

Here are three ideas for making your words of appreciation reflect the gratitude you no doubt feel:


Consider weaving it in instead of leading with thank you

Many speakers open with thanking a list of parties who've made the occasion possible. We're all in favor of speakers employing the niceties—including sincere thanks.

But, could those thanks come a few sentences into your presentation? Somewhere in the middle, where it's relevant. Or even at the end?

There are good reasons to give this some thought:

The open is a great chance to grab audience attention. The predictable round of thank yous squanders your chance to hook them with the topic and why they care.

Because so many speakers start with thank you, it sounds less genuine, more perfunctory. Adding those thanks at a time when they connect to the material—and the people being thanked—makes the expression of appreciation take on more significance and sometimes, even more sincerity.

That said, you have to honor conventions. If you believe your audience will be deeply offended by a thank you that comes three sentences into your presentation, stick with a thank you at the top.

Here's our wish: That you'lll be deliberate. Instead of automatically rattling off the thanks to open your next talk, consider your options.


Cut the "I want to" and "I'd like to" and just say "thanks"

You’ve surely heard the speaker who says "I’d like to thank the hosts of this great event…..I’d like to thank you for your attention…..I want to thank the sponsors for making this possible."

To which we say, "If you'd like to thank us so much, why don't you?"

Go ahead. Say thank you. Instead of telling us how much you'd like to….some day:

Thank you to our hosts for this great event

Thank you for your attention

Thank you to our sponsors for making this possible

See? Easy--and fewer words!


Make it about them and not you

In the spirit of the previous point, phrase your thanks so they they're about your audience and not yourself.

For example: Instead of "thank you for inviting me to speak about _____," which is clearly about you and not them, consider "thank you for your interest in ________."


"Thank you who spilled the strong-willed wine for not being me so I’m not to blame"

– -from the poem Spring Reign by Dean Young

And to show our appreciation to you for reading this entire post, here's a link to a poem that says thank you.

Answered by parinapanda


An attitude of gratitude is often absent. The lack of a thankful heart may be the root cause of many human illness as well.

Let me point out two things:

Firstly, an attitude of gratitude means you to learn to count your blessings in life. When you do so you will find that they far outnumber the difficulties or problems you face in life. Moreover it gives you a joyous heart as well.

You can be thankful for the gift of life, your parents, home and school, your teachers, relatives and friends, for the clothes you wear, the food you eat and the place you live in. The list is endless.

Secondly, an attitude of gratitude helps you value simple joys of life. You may not have the latest gadgets to play with. Instead a thankful heart will help you to be content and satisfied in whatever situation you find yourself in.

A thankful heart will value people more than things, it will value a smile more than riches, it will find joy in giving than grabbing, and it will hold on to hope even when life’s ship moves in troubled waters.

Above all, there is one more reason to be thankful. God so loved the world and gave his Son Jesus as a gift to all of us. Therefore, “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”*

To conclude, let me say that a heart of gratitude brings joy to God’s heart and makes you richer than all billionaires! Thank you!


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