English, asked by shahmehak1741, 5 months ago

A tiger in the zoo write an essay of 200.words


Answered by Owais2005



The first thing what we can do is create awareness among people. And, this program is even more essential when the focus is to preserve the tigers. We can increase the attention to “Save Tigers” by creating leaflets, ads, advertising the cause on internet websites and the like.  The more you propagate the idea about saving tigers, the more persons you will adhere to the cause. Developing attention is incredibly important for all public causes.

Secondly, to preserve the tigers we must stop the poaching. Even when the government has banned the selling of tiger’s skin and bodies, poaching, however, is still prevalent. It’s very important to stop this unlawful act. While you quit poaching, make sure that you do not motivate poachers by purchasing competition skinned baggage, footwear and like products.

Thirdly, It’s been found that our jungles are getting destroyed and that could be a significant cause why creatures like tigers are disappearing. Today, tigers don’t have a proper ecosystem to develop and generate. So, protecting jungles is the next important phase. It is not possible to plant a forest but yes you can plant many trees.

Fourthly, a recent WWF study tells that without mitigation efforts, projected sea-level will rise about a foot by 2070 which can destroy nearly the entire Sundarbans tiger habitat. Sundarbans is a large mangrove forest area and is also the only coastal mangrove tiger habitat in the world. Concerned rising sea levels due to climate change threaten to wipe out these forests and the last remaining habitat of this tiger population.

Lastly, Eco journey is another phase towards your effort to preserve tigers. By traveling on one such journey, you will be able to inform people about the particular situation of tigers and jungles. This will make them feel near to the cause and a positive change could cause them to take effective actions.

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Statistics and project

A recent study shows that the tiger population has gone down by 97 percent. In 1900, more than 100,000 tigers were estimated to roam the planet, but that fell to a record low of 3,200 globally in 2010. Project save tiger was an effort to restore the safe environments of tigers which are numbered at around 3000 currently.

The Jim Corbett National park where this project was introduced is the most significant tiger reserve in India focused on preserving the tiger. The objective of that project was to increase the number of tigers that presently exist. Due to this project, the numbers have increased from 2226 in 2014 to 2967 by 2019.


Saving  Tiger is not only our duty but also our responsibility. We have to support the government in its projects for the protection of the tigers so that a healthy population of the tigers exists. We should know that when we ask something from nature, we must be ready to give something back. If nature is responsible for our existence, we must take responsibility for its existence.

Answered by abhi2003yahoo


The poet then gives another suggestion that the tiger should be sitting at the jungle’s edge in close vicinity of a village. He should be terrorising the people passing that way by its sharp teeth, baring its claws and producing low sound of anger.

The poet now shows deep sympathy at the plight (unpleasant situation) of the tiger that is imprisoned in a cell made of concrete. He cannot come out of the cell because strong bars are fixed. Thus the poet says that the tiger’s strength is locked behind the bars. He shows no interest in looking at the visitors. Rather he keeps on stalking (in anger) in the limited space of the cage.

The poet again takes the readers to the cage where the tiger is sitting in the cage and feeling unpleasant and restless. He hears the sound of the patrolling cars of the zoo authorities. He shows no interest in them. He stares at the shining stars with his brilliant eyes. The poet raises a moral issue here. He intends to present a strong case against the cruelty.


This poem contrasts a tiger in the zoo with the tiger in its natural habitat. The poem moves from the zoo to the jungle, and again back to the zoo.

In the zoo, he has no freedom. He is kept in a cemented cell behind the bars. He feels angry, frustrated and helpless. This reminds him of his natural habitat, his hiding and sliding in the long grass near the water hole and pouncing upon the fat deer, the way he terrorised the villagers, displaying his sharp teeth and claws.

At night in the zoo, he hears the sounds of patrolling cars. The tiger in the zoo appears helpless as a mere showpiece and source of entertainment to people. The poet wants to convey that it is cruel to keep wild animals in small enclosures of the zoo, away from their natural habitat. They feel angry, helpless and unhappy in the cage. He pays no attention to the visitors who come to watch him. In the silence of the night, he stares at the brilliant stars with his bright eyes.

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